LPS – Linum Protocol System
The “core” application of the LPRDS (Linum Protocol and Registration Data System) – Protocol system for the WRRC, IDO and WDSF dances:
- It is based on the fast and reliable Microsoft Office Access database technology.
- The program can be used both for electronic, and for analog judging. It complies with all existing WRRC and IDO rules, and its main user interface is designed to guide the protocol through the whole competition in a clear and easy to use manner.
- WDSF version is in Release candidate 2 status.
- Possibility to choose different languages for the user interface. Currently available languages: English, German, Croatian, Slovenian. Simple implementation of other required languages.
- Competition flow is determined before the competition, in accordance with the existing international rules (classification of the rounds) and proposal of the organizer (actual competition program).

- More complex algorithm for the random distribution of couples/formations in the heats, with the possibility to completely exclude the intervention by the protocol or observer.
- Two different possibilities for entering the notes of judges in case of analog (paper) judging:
- After each heat for all the judges (common situation on the competition for couples).
- After several heats for each judge separately (common situation on the competitions for the formations)
- Detailed printed reports for each phase of the competition, with improved usability for the protocol person (all corresponding reports are accessible from within the actual working form).
- Possibility to easily implement all eventual changes of the existing rules of procedure.